How to Create a Mandala
Hello everyone!
I know it has been ages since my last post, but with school finally winding down I figured it wast time to update the blog. However, I wanted to do something completely different than my normal brush lettering posts.
Therefore, we're focusing on how to create your own unique mandala! Not only is it a great stress reliever, but if you struggle with drawing like I do the steps are perfectly simple.
Tools Needed:
1. different-sized circular objects, compass, or protractor
2. Pencil
3. Ruler or a straight edge will do
4. Micro-tip pen (or any small-tipped pen)
Step One: Draw your circles largest to smallest
Keep in mind it's okay if your mandala circles are not evenly spaced because it could make for a more interesting pattern.
Step Two: Draw diagonal lines through the center of your mandala
Once again, these lines don't need to be exact although it helps immensely when you begin structuring your patterns.
Step Three: Draw your pattern beginning from the center and moving outward
I suggest beginning with pencil and then going back over it in your pen of choosing. Additionally, for this portion of the mandala, keep in mind you can alternate patterns and shapes in different ways for each ring. However, you're free to use whatever combination floats your boat!
Step Four: Go over the pencil drawing with your chosen pen
I find it helpful to do this as I draw my pattern outward so I can see how the smaller pattern fits with the overall aesthetic.
Step Five: Erase all of your pencil lines and add an extra embellishments you want